PHP Strings

Strings are sequences of characters used to store and manipulate text. PHP provides a variety of functions for working with strings, making it easy to create, modify, and manipulate text content.

1. Creating Strings

Single Quoted Strings:

The simplest way to create a string. It does not interpret variables or special characters (except for \\ and \').

<!DOCTYPE html>
echo 'This is a simple string \n john.';

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Double Quoted Strings:

More flexible. They parse variables and escape sequences like \n (newline).

<!DOCTYPE html>
$name = "John";
$string = "Hello, $name";
$newline = "Line 1\nLine 2";
$str = 'This is a \'simple\' string';
echo $string."<br>";
echo $newline."<br>";
echo $str;

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Common String Functions

  • strlen(): Returns the length of a string.

<!DOCTYPE html>
echo strlen("Hello World!"); // Outputs: 12

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  • str_word_count(): Returns counts the number of words in a string.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo str_word_count("Hello world!");

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  • strpos(): Finds the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
<!DOCTYPE html>
$position = strpos("Hello World", "World"); // Outputs: 6
echo $position;

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  • substr(): Returns a portion of a string.
<!DOCTYPE html>
$substring = substr("Hello World", 0, 5); // Outputs: Hello
echo $substring;

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