PHP Echo/Print

In PHP, echo and print are both language constructs used to output data to the screen. They are similar, but there are some subtle differences between them that are worth noting. Here's a detailed comparison of echo and print:

1) echo statement

echo is a language construct (not actually a function) used to display one or more strings.


echo "Hello, World!"; 

Key Characteristics:

  • Can output multiple strings separated by commas (but without parentheses).
<!DOCTYPE html>

echo "Hello, ", "World!"; // Outputs: Hello, World!
echo "This is a simple output.";



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  • Does not return a value, so it cannot be used in expressions.
<!DOCTYPE html>


$ret = echo "This is a simple output."; //Output: Parse Error
echo $ret;



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2)  print statement

print is also a language construct used to output data to the screen, similar to echo.


print "Hello, World!";

Key Characteristics:

  • Can only output one string and does not accept multiple parameters like echo.
<!DOCTYPE html>


print "<h2>PHP is Fun!</h2>";
print "This is a simple output.<br>"; // Outputs: This is a simple output.
print "Hello, World!"; // Outputs: 1 (because print returns 1)



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  • Always returns a value of 1. This allows it to be used in expressions (e.g., in conditions).
<!DOCTYPE html>

$lang = "PHP";
$ret = print $lang." is a web development language.";
print "</br>";
print "Value return by print statement: ".$ret;



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Which One Should You Use?

  • For simple output: Use echo for its speed and flexibility with multiple parameters.
  • For conditional expressions: Use print since it returns a value.

In most cases, echo is more commonly used in PHP scripts due to its simplicity and speed. However, understanding the nuances of both can help you choose the right one for specific scenarios.


The main difference between the print and echo statement is that echo does not behave like a function whereas print behaves like a function.

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