PHP Numbers

Numbers are a data type used for mathematical calculations and numerical data processing. PHP supports different types of numbers, such as integers, floating-point numbers (floats), and provides a wide range of functions to perform mathematical operations.

Types of Numbers in PHP





Whole numbers (positive or negative) without decimals

10, -5, 1000

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Float (Double)

Numbers with decimals

10.5, -3.14, 2.718

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Special value for numbers too large

NaN (Not a Number)

Used for invalid calculations

Numeric Strings

Strings containing numbers that can be used in calculations

"100", "3.14"

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PHP Casting Strings (Type casting)

PHP offers various ways to cast a numerical value into another data type.

The(int), (integer), and intval() functions are often used to convert a value to an integer.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$str = "123.45";
$intValue = (int)$str; // Converts to integer (123)
$floatValue = (float)$str; // Converts to float (123.45)
echo $intValue."<br>";
echo $floatValue;

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