PHP Numbers

Numbers are a data type used for mathematical calculations and numerical data processing. PHP supports different types of numbers, such as integers, floating-point numbers (floats), and provides a wide range of functions to perform mathematical operations.

Types of Numbers in PHP

  1. Integers
  2. Floats (Floating-Point Numbers or Doubles)
  3. Number Strings

PHP has two more data types

  1. Infinity
  2. NaN

PHP Integers

  • Integers are whole numbers, without a decimal point.
  • They can be positive, negative, or zero.

        Range of an Integer:

               On a 32-bit system, integers typically range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

               On a 64-bit system, the range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

        Integer values can be represented in different bases:

                Decimal (Base 10): 123

                Hexadecimal (Base 16): Prefixed with 0x (e.g., 0x1A)

                Octal (Base 8): Prefixed with 0 (e.g., 0123)

                Binary (Base 2): Prefixed with 0b (e.g., 0b1010)

        Predefined Constants for integers

  • PHP_INT_MAX - The largest integer supported
  • PHP_INT_MIN - The smallest integer supported
  • PHP_INT_SIZE - The size of an integer in bytes

is_int() , is_integer() , is_long() functions to check if the type of a variable is integer.

<!DOCTYPE html>


$value = 10;
echo is_int($value) ? "Yes<br>" : "No<br>"; // Outputs: Yes
$x = 4356;

echo "<br>";

$x = 43.56;


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PHP Floats (Floating-Point Numbers)

  • Floats are numbers with a decimal point or in exponential form (e.g., 1.5e3).
  • Useful for representing fractional values or numbers with a precision.

        Predefined Constants for integers

  • PHP_FLOAT_MAX - The largest representable floating point number
  • PHP_FLOAT_MIN - The smallest representable positive floating point number
  • PHP_FLOAT_DIG - The number of decimal digits that can be rounded into a float and back without precision loss
  • PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON - The smallest representable positive number x, so that x + 1.0 != 1.0

is_float()is_double() functions to check if the type of a variable is float.

<!DOCTYPE html>


$x = 4356;

echo "<br>";

$x = 43.56;


Try it yourself

PHP Numerical Strings

Numerical strings are strings that contain numbers and can be treated as numbers in certain situations. When a string contains a numeric value (either integer or floating-point), PHP can automatically treat it as a number when used in arithmetic operations or comparisons.

<!DOCTYPE html>


$numString = "42";
$sum = $numString + 8; // Converts "42" to an integer and performs addition
echo $sum; // Outputs: 50

$x = "Hello";



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PHP Infinity

Infinity is a special value that represents a number beyond the range that can be represented by a float. It is denoted by the constant INF for positive infinity and -INF for negative infinity.

How to Work with Infinity in PHP

  1. Generating Infinity:
  • You can generate positive infinity using division by zero for floats or by using a number larger than PHP_FLOAT_MAX.
  • Negative infinity is produced by dividing a negative number by zero or using a number smaller than -PHP_FLOAT_MAX.

is_finite()is_infinite() functions to check if a numeric value is finite or infinite.

<!DOCTYPE html>


// Positive infinity
$positiveInfinity = 1.0 / 0; // Outputs: INF
$positiveInfinityAlt = PHP_FLOAT_MAX * 2; // Outputs: INF

// Negative infinity
$negativeInfinity = -1.0 / 0; // Outputs: -INF
$negativeInfinityAlt = -PHP_FLOAT_MAX * 2; // Outputs: -INF

echo $positiveInfinity; // Displays: INF
echo $negativeInfinity; // Displays: -INF



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NAN (Not A Number) is a special floating-point value that represents the result of an undefined or unrepresentable mathematical operation.

For example, operations like taking the square root of a negative number or dividing zero by zero can produce a NaN result.

To check if a value is NaN, you can use the is_nan() function. This function returns true if the value is NAN, otherwise false.

<!DOCTYPE html>

// Invalid calculation will return a NaN value
$x = sqrt(-8);



PHP Casting Strings (Type casting)

PHP offers various ways to cast a numerical value into another data type.

The (int), (integer), and intval() functions are often used to convert a value to an integer.

<!DOCTYPE html>

$str = "123.45";
$intValue = (int)$str; // Converts to integer (123)
$floatValue = (float)$str; // Converts to float (123.45)

echo $intValue."<br>";
echo $floatValue;


Try it yourself

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