PHP Magic Constants

Magic constants are predefined constants that change based on their location in the code. Unlike regular constants, they do not have fixed values; instead, their values change depending on where they are used. Magic constants start and end with double underscores (__), except for the ClassName::class constant.

Summary of PHP Magic Constants

Magic Constant



Current line number


Full path and filename of the file


Directory of the file


Function name


Class method name


Current namespace


Trait name (PHP 5.4+)


Returns the name of the specified class and the name of the namespace, if any.

1. __LINE__

  • Represents the current line number in the script.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo "This is line number " . __LINE__;

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2. __FILE__

  • Represents the full path and filename of the file.
  • Useful for finding the script's exact location.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo __FILE__;

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3. __DIR__

  • Represents the directory of the file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo __DIR__;

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  • Represents the function name (case-sensitive) where it is used.
  • If used outside a function, it will return an empty string.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function myFunction() {
echo "The function name is " . __FUNCTION__;

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5. __CLASS__

  • Represents the class name (case-sensitive) where it is used.
  • If used outside a class, it returns an empty string.
  • From PHP 5.4 onward, __CLASS__ includes the namespace in its value (if applicable).
<!DOCTYPE html>
class MyClass {
public function getClassName() {
return __CLASS__;
$obj = new MyClass();
echo $obj->getClassName();

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6. __METHOD__

  • Represents the class method name where it is used.
  • Combines the class name and the method name.
<!DOCTYPE html>
class MyClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo "The method name is " . __METHOD__;
$obj = new MyClass();

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  • Represents the name of the current namespace.
  • If used outside of any namespace, it returns an empty string.
namespace MyNamespace;
function myValue(){
return __NAMESPACE__;
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo myValue();

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8. __TRAIT__ (Introduced in PHP 5.4)

  • Represents the trait name where it is used.
  • Useful for traits to refer to themselves.
<!DOCTYPE html>
trait MyTrait {
public function getTraitName() {
return __TRAIT__;
class MyClass {
use MyTrait;
$obj = new MyClass();
echo $obj->getTraitName();

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9. ClassName::class

  • Returns the name of the specified class and the name of the namespace, if any.
namespace myArea;

class Fruits {
public function myValue(){
return Fruits::class;
<!DOCTYPE html>

$kiwi = new Fruits();
echo $kiwi->myValue();


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