PHP Remove Array Items

To remove items from an array in PHP, you can use various methods based on your requirements, whether you want to remove a value by its key, unset specific elements, or filter elements out conditionally. 

     1. Using array_splice():

       This function removes a portion of the array and can optionally replace it with new elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"];
array_splice($fruits, 1, 2,"Mango"); // Removes "banana" and "cherry" and add "Mango"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["apple", "date"]

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     2. Using unset() to Remove an Element by Key:

      This is the simplest way to remove an element by specifying its key or index.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
unset($fruits[1]); // Removes "banana"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["apple", "cherry"]

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unset() removes the element but does not reindex numeric keys. If you want to reindex the array, use array_values().

The unset() function takes a unlimited number of arguments, and can therefore be used to delete multiple array items:

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
unset($fruits[1],$fruits[2]); // Removes "banana", "cherry"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["apple", "cherry"]

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Remove Item From an Associative Array

You can also use unset() to remove elements by their keys in an associative array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$person = ["name" => "John", "age" => 30, "gender" => "male"];
unset($person["age"]); // Removes "age"
print_r($person); // Output: ["name" => "John", "gender" => "male"]

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Using array_diff() to Remove Specific Values:

You can remove specific values by creating a difference between arrays.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "banana"];
$fruits = array_diff($fruits, ["banana"]); // Removes all instances of "banana"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["apple", "cherry"]

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You can also use the array_diff() function to remove items from an associative array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$person = [
"name" => "John",
"age" => 30,
"gender" => "male",
"country" => "USA"

// Remove "male" and "USA"
$result = array_diff($person, ["male", "USA"]);

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array_diff() works based on values, and it is case-sensitive.

Remove the Last Item

array_pop() removes the last element of the array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
array_pop($fruits); // Removes "cherry"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["apple", "banana"]

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Remove the First Item

array_shift() removes the first element of the array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];

array_shift($fruits); // Removes "apple"
print_r($fruits); // Output: ["banana","cherry"]

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