JS Variables

In JavaScript, variables are used to store data values. They act as containers to hold values like numbers, strings, objects, etc.

Declaring Variables in JavaScript:

You can declare JavaScript variables using:

  • var (old way, avoid using in modern code)
  • let (block-scoped, preferred for variable values that change)
  • const (block-scoped, preferred for constants or values that won't change)
var oldVariable = "I am a var variable"; // Avoid using
let modernVariable = "I am a let variable"; // Preferred for mutable variables
const constantVariable = "I am a const variable"; // Preferred for immutable variables

Variable Rules:

  • Variable names must start with a letter, _, or $.
  • Variable names are case-sensitive (myVar is different from MyVar).
  • Reserved JavaScript keywords cannot be used as variable names (var, let, const).
Valid Examples:
let userName = "Alice";
let _id = 123;
let $price = 99.99;
Invalid Examples:
let 1user = "Error"; // Cannot start with a number
let let = "Error"; // Reserved keyword

Differences Between var, let, and const



Can Reassign?

Can Redeclare?



Function Scope



Hoisted with undefined


Block Scope



Hoisted without initialization


Block Scope



Hoisted without initialization

Example Comparison:
// var example
var x = 10;
if (true) {
var x = 20; // Same variable is overwritten
console.log(x); // Output: 20

// let example
let y = 10;
if (true) {
let y = 20; // Different variable (block scope)
console.log(y); // Output: 10

// const example
const z = 10;
z = 20; // Error: Assignment to constant variable

Try it yourself

Variable Scope:

1. Global Scope:

  • Variables declared outside any function or block are global.
  • Accessible anywhere in the code.

2. Function Scope:

  • Variables declared with var inside a function are function-scoped.

3. Block Scope:

  • Variables declared with let and const inside a block {} are block-scoped.
function exampleFunction() {
var functionVar = "I am function-scoped";
let blockVar = "I am block-scoped";
if (true) {
let insideBlock = "Only accessible here";
console.log(functionVar); // Works
// console.log(insideBlock); // Error: not defined

Try it yourself

Variable Hoisting:

  • Variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their scope and initialized with undefined.
  • Variables declared with let and const are hoisted but not initialized.
console.log(a); // undefined (hoisted with var)
var a = 5;

console.log(b); // Error: Cannot access 'b' before initialization
let b = 10;

Best Practices for Variables:

  • ✅ Use const by default.
  • ✅ Use let if the variable needs to change.
  • ❌ Avoid var unless absolutely necessary.
  • ✅ Use meaningful variable names (userAge, totalPrice).
  • ✅ Follow camelCase naming convention (firstName, lastValue).

Data Types of Variables

JavaScript variables can store values of different data types:

  • String: "Hello"
  • Number: 42
  • Boolean: true / false
  • Null: null
  • Undefined: undefined
  • Object: { key: "value" }
  • Array: [1, 2, 3]
  • Function: function() {}
let name = "John"; // String
let age = 30; // Number
let isActive = true; // Boolean
let user = { id: 1, name: "Alice" }; // Object

Constants in JavaScript (const)

  • Must be initialized at declaration.
  • Cannot be reassigned.
  • Object and array values can still be modified (only the reference is constant).
const user = { name: "Alice" };
user.name = "Bob"; // Allowed

// user = { name: "Eve" }; // Error: Assignment to constant variable

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