JS Number

In JavaScript, numbers are used to represent both integer and floating-point values. JavaScript has only one type of number (unlike other languages which may have int, float, double, etc.).

Types of Numbers in JavaScript

  1. Integers: Whole numbers (e.g., 1, 42, -10)
  2. Floating-Point Numbers: Decimal numbers (e.g., 3.14, -0.99)
  3. Exponential Notation: Large or small numbers using e (e.g., 5e3 is 5000)
  4. NaN (Not-a-Number): Represents an invalid number (e.g., parseInt("hello"))
  5. Infinity & -Infinity: Represents positive or negative infinite values.
let intNum = 42; // Integer
let floatNum = 3.14; // Floating-point number
let expNum = 2e5; // 200000
let infNum = Infinity; // Infinity
let nanValue = NaN; // Not-a-Number

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