CSS Visiblity

In CSS, the visibility property controls whether an element is visible or hidden, but it differs from display: none in that hidden elements with visibility: hidden still take up space in the layout. This property is commonly used to hide elements without affecting the overall layout of the page.


visibility: visible | hidden | collapse | initial | inherit;

Visible (default):

The element is fully visible.the element is rendered as normal and takes up space in the layout.

h2 {
visibility: visible;

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The element is hidden but still occupies its original space in the layout.the element is not visible to the user, but the space it occupies remains.

h2 {
visibility: hidden;

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For table rows and columns, visibility: collapse hides the row or column and removes its space in the layout. For other elements, collapse behaves the same as hidden.

.collapse {
visibility: collapse;

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