CSS Outline

The outline property in CSS is used to draw a line around an element, outside its border. Unlike border, the outline doesn’t take up space and doesn’t affect the element’s box model. It is commonly used for focus indicators and accessibility purposes.


outline: <width> <style> <color>;

Width: Thickness of the border (e.g., 1px2em, etc.).

Style: The type of border (e.g., soliddasheddotted, etc.).

Color: The color of the border (e.g., red#3498dbrgb(52, 152, 219)).

This element has a black border with a width of 2px and a green outline with a width of 10px.

Outline Width:

You can specify the width of the outline in various units (pxem%, etc.). You can also use keywords like thinmedium, or thick.


border-width: value | thin | medium | thick;

Hello World!

This page has a light blue outline color!

div {
outline: 1px solid #3498db;
outline-width: 5px;

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Outline Styles:

The outline-style property specifies the style of the borders.


outline-style: solid | dashed | dotted | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | none;

outline style Solid

outline style dashed

outline style dotted

outline style double

outline style groove

outline style ridge

outline style inset

outline style outset

.solid{ outline-style : solid; }
.dashed{ outline-style : dashed; }
.dotted{ outline-style : dotted; }
.double{ outline-style : double; }
.groove{ outline-style : groove; }
.ridge{ outline-style : ridge; }
.inset{ outline-style : inset; }
.outset{ outline-style : outset; }

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Outline Color:

You can specify the color of the outline using color names, hexadecimal values, RGB, RGBA, HSL, etc.


outline-color: names | hexadecimal values | RGB | RGBA | HSL;

Hello World!

This page has a light blue outline color!

div {
outline: 1px solid #3498db;
outline-color: red;

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Outline Offset:

The outline-offset property adds space between the element's edge and the outline.


outline-style: value;

Hello World!

The outline-offset property adds space between the element's edge and the outline.

div {
outline: 3px solid green;
outline-offset: 5px;
border : 2px solid

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