JDBC Setting Up

To use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), follow these steps to set up your development environment and establish a connection to a database.


Before setting up JDBC, ensure you have:

Java Development Kit (JDK) installed

Database installed (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.)

JDBC Driver for your database

IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, or VS Code) or terminal

Download JDBC Driver:

Each database requires a specific JDBC driver. Download the driver for your database:

🔹 MySQL: MySQL Connector/J

🔹 PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

🔹 Oracle: Oracle JDBC Driver

🔹 SQL Server: Microsoft JDBC Driver

Add JDBC Driver to Your Java Project:

Depending on your development environment, add the JDBC driver:

📌 Using Command Line (For Manual Execution)

Place the JDBC driver .jar file in the same folder as your Java file and compile/run using:

javac -cp ".;mysql-connector-java-8.0.33.jar" MyJDBCApp.java
java -cp ".;mysql-connector-java-8.0.33.jar" MyJDBCApp

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