Java String Methods




charAt(int index)

Returns the character at the specified index.

"Hello".charAt(1) // 'e'

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Returns the length of the string.

"Java".length() // 4

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substring(int start, int end)

Extracts a substring.

"Hello".substring(0, 4) // Hell

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indexOf(String str)

Returns the first index of a substring.

"Hello".indexOf("l") // 2

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lastIndexOf(String str)

Returns the last index of a substring.

"Hello".lastIndexOf("l") // 3

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replace(char old, char new)

Replaces characters in the string.

"Java".replace('a', 'o') // Jovo

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Converts the string to uppercase.

"java".toUpperCase() // JAVA

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Converts the string to lowercase.

"JAVA".toLowerCase() // java

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Removes leading and trailing spaces.

" Java ".trim() // Java

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split(String regex)

Splits the string into an array based on a regex.

"a,b,c".split(",") // ["a", "b", "c"]

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startsWith(String prefix)

Checks if the string starts with the prefix.

"Hello".startsWith("He") // true

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endsWith(String suffix)

Checks if the string ends with the suffix.

"Hello".endsWith("lo") // true

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